
So, for a surprising twist, today I have pictures and not a poem. Well, I may try to write something really fast because I think I really like these pictures! But I am currently sitting on the sidewalk outside of Starbucks since all the chairs are taken and I am rather uncomfortable while I juggle my friends laptop on my lap! Well…I finally got a table. Seems fast, since I didnt document all the time that in between those last two statements! It wasn’t. Lets try writing something….D

For The Dreamers

Their arms reach towards the sun
Skyscrapers made of many fingers
Always stretching upwards
longing to graze the clouds
with roots firmly in the earth
Futile perhaps,
but what would this place be
but flatlands and desert shores
without the dreamers
our own skyscrapers
our believers
without hope, would be to be without redeemers
I am a skyscraper
I am a redeemer
A believer, a cloud tasting dreamer
and long after your machinery
has torn me down
My seedlings will sprout
and stretch their fingers out
rooted in soil
but ever climbing
and it is all worthwhile

Well, I can finally say I am posting a Poemicture! Wahooo! I am a step closer to my resolution of completing the hell out of 2012! Always hoping, and always dreaming.

So, I am going to share my horoscope because I find it to be a good one! Yes! They are usually pretty accurate but lately forewarn of something bad happening but then go on to say that it is all for the better. I guess I should just take that and be happy there is an upside. But I have to admit, I would rather there just be an upside without the struggle for once! I know better than to want the easy way out though. Anywho..SO I got myself a job. Nothing glamorous. I deliver newspapers, but I actually really enjoy it. Thing is, I have to depend on someone else for the vehicle and he is constantly threatening to take it away. So, by the end of the week I may not have the job but according to my horoscope all will work out very well. Whoop!

There may be some worries about financial drains from domestic and family expenses today, dear Capricorn. Avoid allowing fears and anxieties to drive your behavior now – something that is made even more likely with an approaching Full Moon. Center yourself and remember that you can handle almost anything that comes your way, and you can do so more efficiently when you’re centered.

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